Tell me the tales of your travels...


I deeply value the moments when I am sitting still with a client, allowing time and holding a tender space for sharing. Honoring the places you have been and the things you wish to rise above - that is my service to you. Thank you for trusting me with your story.


Tell Me the Tales of Your Travels

by Jane O’Shea

Tell me a story
Tell me your story

Tell me how you got here
The roads that led to this moment
Take me to the crossroads
Show me the paths you chose

Walk me along your treasured tracks
The tough mountains you have crossed
Show me the signposts that pointed the way
And the dead ends that left you almost defeated

And along the way, show me your summer picnic places
where happy memories still sit in the sun smiling
Share with me your secret places
where you sheltered when you were lost and adrift
Tell me, of the people you loved and have left their sweet mark
and the ones whose harshness hollowed out your heart

Recount to me all your stories
So I can know
what it was that made you.
Why some things soften your face
and others catch your breath and your eyes say no

Tell me the story
Tell me your story


Jane O’Shea is a writer/poet from New Zealand who I very much admire.
 This is from her book Follow Yourself Home - word remedies to heal and inspire.
